What is Keyword Tracking?
Within the world of Growth Marketing, Keywords represent an essential part of Search engine optimization (SEO). The tracking of these keywords can provide great value for your website’s organic ranking in search engines. Keyword tracking can give the data and the perfect insight into your website. And with that, you will be able to make informed decisions about how to improve content strategy and subsequently traffic on your website.
Understanding Keyword Tracking
Keyword tracking is essentially the activity of monitoring the position of your website for specific keywords. It’s a process that allows you to get important data and metrics about specific keywords and shows how well your website ranks for those exact keywords. Ideally, you would want to be in the first position for each keyword search, or at least on the first results page in the search engine. Needless to say, that keywords should be monitored regularly to see and understand possible flotations with your website’s ranking, and take the appropriate action if necessary.

Why is Keyword Tracking important?
As mentioned, working with keywords is one of the most crucial aspects of SEO. Tracking keywords will provide you with some critical insight into how your website and content are performing in search engine result pages. You will get a better understanding of your website’s visibility and where exactly you can focus on future search optimization strategies.
“The goal of Keyword Tracking is to find opportunities for keyword optimization and to enhance your website’s presence on search engines. Knowing your keyword ranking should inform you where you can take actionable steps to improve site traffic",” which is something essential for any online business (Real Time Marketing - Keyword Tracking)
Naturally, having access to keyword tracking data will actually put you in a better position competitively that the majority of businesses that either doesn’t know what keyword tracking is or aren’t correctly managing their resources in this area.

How to use Keyword Tracking tools
In order to track keywords, there are several online tools available that help you monitor your website’s ranking for specifc target keywords in a search engine. These tools are designed to facilitate your tracking by giving you daily updated performance data on your website that is easy to understand and digest. Tools like Google Analytics and Moz are just a few examples of what you can use to get you started with Keyword Tracking. Using these tools you can do:
- Content Optimization: with keyword tracking, you will have access to data that can help you make sure you create relevant content that will drive online traffic towards your website.
- Monitoring Competition: you can use keyword tracking tools to see where a competitor is ranked for your targeted keywords, which can help you understand not only the market but how much search engine competition there is for each keyword you select.
- Future Strategies: these tools help you not only with current keyword tracking but can also identify other ranking opportunities or which search terms you need to focus in the future.